I moved to the Madison area in 2002. Previously, I had been working in the Hudson, WI area with 5 employees working under me. I fell in love with a girl from Middleton and we now have 2 beautiful daughters and a home in Cross Plains.
Before continuing my own business here, I worked for Complete Drywall for over 5 years doing much of their 1 year warranty work. I had the opportunity to work with many of Madison’s top local builders and did drywall work on high-end homes including some UW coaches and many other’s.
Since branching back off on my own I’ve enjoyed keeping my business small so I can spend time with my family and focus on quality for my customers. For hobbies I enjoy camping, hiking, biking, fishing and playing guitar and song leading at Northern Light Church in Middleton.
Proverbs 3:6 “ In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.”